long term changes

Nowadays, North Americans, Europeans, and most of the world are no longer faced through this type of adversity. Laws have been made and formed to protect and prevent the abuse of children in the workplace.

When Britain first made laws to protect the children of their country, they began a chain of events. Soon Britain had labour laws which prevented the abuse of children workers. This made countries around the world realize the trouble they were causing. Some of them worked on reforming their laws and making them like the ones integrated in Britain. Some, however, never really stopped because their economy depended on it.

Since the introduction of child labour laws into regular society, it has become odd to see countries without them. So odd in fact, that political fights and even wars are partially started for the children that are stuck in those countries with very little pay or accommodations. People wanted equality; and this sparked the fire that continues the fight for equality today.

Who knows, maybe if these laws had never sprung up concerning child labour, other equal rights movements—such as the LGBT movement, or the feminist movement— would never have had occured. Furthermore, because of labour laws instituted during Britain's industrial revolution, countries around the world began to adopt these ideals and the ones that didn’t would face prosecution from the rest of the world; people might never have fought as hard as they do now for equal rights and the world as we know it we be entirely different.